Thursday 19 October 2017

Forex Tradere Tiltrengte For Mot

Fem personlighetstrekk du trenger for å lykkes i Forex Trading. Med Hillel Fuld Forex-markedet blir stadig mer populært som flere mennesker hører om det i disse vanskelige økonomiske tider. Men med sitt stigende antall har statistikken om mengden tapende handler ikke endret seg Et stort flertall av bransjer fører fortsatt til tap Med alle tilgjengelige ressurser på og offline, ville man tro at tallet ville endres. Så hva er den gjentatte feilen som fører til Forex-tap. Det kan være mange faktorer som kan føre til svikt i Forex trading , men en mulig forklaring er mangelen på ønskehandlere må faktisk jobbe med seg selv. Med behovet for utdanning om hvordan Forex-markedet fungerer, er evnen til å forstå analyse og mange andre forutsetninger en av de viktigste faktorene som trengs for å lykkes i Forex en sterk personlighet. Mens mange andre faktorer påvirker hvordan og når en handel åpnes og lukkes, eller hvor lenge en stilling handles før den blir stengt, er trader s personlige beslutninger er en avgjørende del av ligningen. Følgende er en liste over fem personlighetstrekk som trengs for å lykkes i Forex markedet. Dette kan høres rart ut for deg, men handelsmenn opplever noen ganger stor frykt og angst når de åpner en ny stilling. Ingen vil fortelle deg Forex trading er bekymringsfri, det er ikke, men det er noen måter å redusere angstnivået når du handler. En av de viktigste metodene for å øke din objektivitet i handel er å handle penger du har råd til å tape. Hvis du kjenner deg er trading penger du trenger i morgen for å mate familien din, vil du bli overvunnet av frykt, noe som vil ha stor effekt på dine handelsferdigheter. En av de første tingene du må gjøre når du begynner å handle, er avsatt kapital som, hvis du er tapt, vil ikke la en langvarig innvirkning på livet ditt Når du har gjort det, bør frykt og angstnivåer være mye lavere. Nå er alt du trenger å gjøre, ta det første spranget og hoppe inn i Forex-markedet. Selvkontroll. Dette er en veldig viktigfaktor når du handler Forex Du må sørge for at du har total kontroll over dine følelser. Ikke la en vinnende handel føre deg ned på grådens vei, kontroller deg selv og følg planen. På den annen side, når du opplever et smertefullt tap, ikke få fanget i fellen for å overkompensere med en annen handel Følg planen din religiøst, og ikke bli svevet av dine følelser. La hjernen gjøre navigasjonen, ikke hjertet. Selvbevissthet. Denne karakteristikken kan ha vært øverst på listen hvis det hadde vært i kronologisk rekkefølge En av de første og viktigste tingene du trenger å gjøre som handelsmann, blir kjent med din handels personlighet Spør deg selv hva slags handelsmann du er Er du typen person som er villig til å ta store risikoer, miste noen store handler med håp om at dine mest vellykkede handler vil ha gjort alt verdt det. Er du den typen person som kan la en handel være åpen over natten. Vil du være i stand til å sove med det på hodet ditt. Dette er bare noen eksempler på avgjørelser yo du må gjøre før handel Det viktigste er at du vet hvem du er og bare da kan du bestemme hvordan du skal handle. Dette kan være det vanskeligste trekket å skaffe. Erfarne handelsmenn kan fortelle deg at noen ganger de mest lønnsomme handler ikke handler på alle Noen ganger er det beste flyttet å vente og ikke handle Før du hopper inn, sørg for at denne handelen er riktig for deg. Har du gjort leksene dine, lest nyhetene, analysert markedet, lyttet til ekspertene. Er denne handelen hva strategien din forteller deg? å gjøre eller er du impulsiv Noen ganger er det best å være tålmodig, det vil alltid være en annen handel, en annen mulighet til å tjene. Dette kan ikke være den samme typen integritet du er kjent med i næringslivet. Dette handler om intern integritet. Når handel, er det viktig å bruke en handelsstrategi, men enda viktigere enn å velge en god strategi er å stikke til den du valgte Selv om du føler at en viss handel ikke passer for deg, hold deg til planen. Hvis du tror det er nå en god tid å komme seg ut av en posisjon, men strategien din dikterer ellers, det er best å holde seg på rulle. Ingen overvåker deg og dine beslutninger, så det er fristende å følge din hunch, men dette vil etter hvert føre til tap, kanskje ikke med en gang, men definitivt på lang sikt Den beste måten å holde det på ekte, objektivt og vitenskapelig er å velge en strategi, implementere den og holde fast i det uansett hva. Til slutt svikter mange handelsmenn på spillet av Forex fordi de ikke er villige til å forandre seg eller trene seg. De er villige til å lære handel, lese nyhetene og se på trender, men selvforbedring og personlighetsutvikling er ikke det de meldte seg til. Dette er en grunnleggende og grunnleggende feil som vil føre til katastrofale resultater i din handel. La din Forex trading utvikle din personlighet, og du er sikker på å se positive resultater i Forex trading samt din daglige liv. Risk Disclaimer DailyForex vil ikke holdes ansvarlig for tap eller skade e som følge av avhengighet av informasjonen på denne nettsiden, inkludert markedsnyheter, analyser, handelssignaler og Forex-megleranmeldelser. Dataene på dette nettstedet er ikke nødvendigvis sanntids eller nøyaktige, og analyser er forfatterens meninger og representerer ikke anbefalingene fra DailyForex eller dets ansatte Valutahandling på margin innebærer høy risiko og er ikke egnet for alle investorer. Som et løpende produkttap er det mulig å overstige innledende innskudd og kapital er i fare. Før du bestemmer deg for å handle Forex eller et annet finansielt instrument, bør du nøye vurdere investeringsmålene dine, erfaringsnivået og risikovilligheten Vi jobber hardt for å tilby deg verdifull informasjon om alle meglerne som vi vurderer For å kunne tilby deg denne gratis tjenesten mottar vi reklamegebyr fra meglere, inkludert noen av de som er oppført innenfor vår rangering og på denne siden Mens vi gjør vårt ytterste for å sikre at alle våre data er oppdaterte, oppmuntrer vi e du å bekrefte vår informasjon med megleren direkte. Risk ansvarsfraskrivelse DailyForex vil ikke holdes ansvarlig for eventuelle tap eller skade som skyldes avhengighet av informasjonen på dette nettstedet, inkludert markeds nyheter, analyser, handelssignaler og Forex megler vurderinger. Dataene i dette nettstedet er ikke nødvendigvis sanntid eller nøyaktig, og analyser er forfatterens meninger og representerer ikke anbefalinger fra DailyForex eller dets ansatte. Valutahandel på margin innebærer høy risiko og er ikke egnet for alle investorer. er i stand til å overstige innledende innskudd og kapital er i fare. Før du bestemmer deg for å handle Forex eller et annet finansielt instrument, bør du nøye vurdere investeringsmålene dine, erfaringsnivået og risikovitenheten. Vi jobber hardt for å tilby deg verdifull informasjon om alle meglerne som Vi vurderer For å gi deg denne gratis tjenesten mottar vi reklamegebyr fra meglere, inkludert noen o f de som er oppført i vår rangering og på denne siden Mens vi gjør vårt ytterste for å sikre at alle våre data er oppdaterte, oppfordrer vi deg til å verifisere vår informasjon direkte til megleren. DailyForex Alle rettigheter reservert 2006-2017.4 Trinn i bruk av den vitenskapelige tankegangen i Forex Trading. Postet 3 år siden 2 00 PM 15. september 2014 Ingen kommentarer. Hvis du lyttet i klassen tilbake på grunnskolen da den vitenskapelige metoden ble lært, klapp deg selv på tilbake Å ha denne typen tenkemåte kan bare gi deg en fordel i valutamarkedet. Hvis du har glemt hva den vitenskapelige metoden handler om, her er en rask gjennomgang. Vitenskapsmenn begynner alltid med observasjon For å være enkelt, er det prosessen med å bruke sanser å samle data om konsistenser i miljøet Observasjon gjør det mulig å skille mønstre fra tilfeldige hendelser. Når en forsker har samlet nok data, følger det neste er teoribeskrivelse. Mennesker er nysgjerrige vesener, så vi prøver ofte å fornemme hva som skjer rundt oss Vi forsøker å forklare observasjonene våre ved å lage forutsetninger eller hypoteser. Men selvfølgelig vil en hypotese ikke bety noe før det blir testet. Hvis empiriske tester støtter vår hypotese kan man si at de blir teorier som er vant til å generere fremtidige observasjoner. Den vitenskapelige metodeens skjønnhet er at den kan lære oss å være ydmyk. Ved alltid å være åpen for nye og friske observasjoner, anerkjenner forskere at deres teorier er ikke absolutt sannheter For dem har et åpent sinn til å omfavne det faktum at menneskelig forståelse alltid vil falle ned av naturens kompleksiteter og få dem til å holde seg på tærne for nye bevis som kan utfordre tidligere eksisterende teorier. For valutahandlere, denne typen åpenhet kan være en motgift mot overbevisning og overtrading, slik at vi kan innse at det er greit å ikke være riktig hele tiden Så hvordan kan du handle som en forsker Her er noen trinn som du kan følge. 1 Observer markedene nøye og se etter mønstre. Som en forex-aktør bør du allerede ha en grunnleggende forståelse av de tekniske og grunnleggende faktorene som vanligvis beveger markedene. Du har sannsynligvis en ide av hvordan en bestemt økonomisk begivenhet, som for eksempel en rentebeslutning eller en BNP-utgivelse, kan påvirke prishandlingen eller hvordan visse lysestake mønstre signaliserer at en reversering kan være i kortene. For å få en enda bedre kant, kan du legge til i databasen av markedsfaktorer ved å foreta forsiktige observasjoner og legge merke til tilbakevendende mønstre. For eksempel har du nylig observert at europeiske obligasjonspris auksjoner har en stor innvirkning på risikosentiment og pris handling når euroområdets gjeldsproblemer er tilbake i spotlighten. Du kan markere disse hendelsene på kalenderen din for å se hvordan markedet vanligvis reagerer. 2 Bruk disse observasjonene til å lage en hypotese for pris handling. Sagt at du har lagt merke til at amerikanske dollar har en tendens til å samle seg når samtaler om Fed-stramming dominerer luftbølgene, og du vil dra nytte av av denne forex prishandlingen senere Hva du kan gjøre er å merke hva som faktisk skjedde, hvordan dollarparene reagerte, og hvilke handelsoppsett kunne ha gjort det mulig for deg å få en del av det trekket. Du kan ep notering ned disse observasjonene i din handel journal til du er sikker på at din hypotese er klar til å bli testet Husk at det også vil være nyttig å komme med en play-by-play kommentar om pris handling, som kan inkludere prisen handling før hendelsen, den første reaksjonen og hovedretningen som paret tar etterpå.3 Sett denne hypotesen på prøve ved å ta handler når lignende mønstre forekommer. Når du har nok data som støtter et bestemt forexmønster som du har observert, neste skritt ville være å sette denne teorien på prøve ved å ta handler når muligheten presenterer seg. Etter mitt forrige eksempel om amerikanske dollar og politikkstrammende spekulasjoner kan du jakte på potensielle handler før en Fed-kunngjøring når sentralbankens tjenestemenn gir vitnesbyrd . Selvfølgelig vil bevisst praksis være svært nyttig i dette aspektet. Når du tar handler basert på disse mønstrene, bør du også liste ned dine nye observasjoner og om du Du bør gjøre noen tilpasninger på hypotesen. Ikke glem å holde et åpent sinn. Sist men ikke minst, det er avgjørende å holde et åpent sinn til enhver tid. Husk at markedene er ufattelige og at hypotesene dine ikke er absolutte sannheter. Som du også sikkert har observert i løpet av handelsopplevelsen, er Forex-markedsmiljøet veldig dynamisk og følelsen kan alltid skifte på en dime. Med det, bør du alltid være åpen for potensielle tilpasninger eller helt nye markedsmønstre. Som en god forsker, en god handelsmann bør forbli åpen for nye data For eksempel påvirker endringer i de generelle temaene som dominerer markedene, vanligvis noen valutaparreaksjoner på enkelte rapporter. Det er jevne tider når et valutapar ikke reagerer på en stor innvirkning på det hele fordi det er større faktorer i spillet. Å holde et åpent sinn kan også gjøre det mulig for deg å utvide hypotesen din for å imøtekomme andre faktorer som kan påvirke prishandlinger. Tenk på det som stadig finjustere deg ur teorier og handelsplaner. Ved å ta handelsplaner som er basert på observasjoner og hypoteser, kan du bygge tillit til å ta disse oppsettene. Med det kan du være mer aggressiv når disse hypotesene er bekreftet eller mer forsiktige når observasjonene dine fortsatt er rystede. Dette kan også hjelpe deg med risikostyring ved å vite når du skal risikere stor eller når du skal spille den trygg. Også ved å holde en forsker s tankegang når du handler, vil du kunne behandle hver handel som en kilde til ny informasjon som kan enten forbedre eller disprove dine teorier Med det vil du kunne få noe selv fra å miste handler som du bruker dem sammen med dine vinnende, for å utvikle en bedre forståelse av markedene. Det er ingen best handelsstrategi per se. Men det er en passende handelsstrategi for ulike markedsforhold trend og rekkevidde. Før jeg kommer inn i tradingstrategiene selv, la oss få vite hva som er de forskjellige markedsforholdene, og deretter bruke riktig handelsstrategi. O, i dette innlegget vil du lære. Akkumuleringsfasen der trendhandlere blir drept. Forhåndsfasen hvilken trendhandlere elsker. Distribusjonsfasen der trendhandlerne blir drept, igjen. Den avtagende fasen der handelsmenn blir investorer. Den beste handelsstrategien for ulike markedsforhold, slik at du kan øke din vinnende rente. Den verste handelsstrategien for trend og utvalgsmarkeder, slik at du kan unngå å miste dine hardt opptjente penger. Steg 1 Akkumuleringsfase der trendhandlere blir drept. Akkumulering skjer vanligvis etter et fall i priser, og ser ut som en konsolideringsperiode. Karakteristika for akkumulasjonsfase. Det oppstår vanligvis når prisene har falt de siste 6 månedene eller mer. Det kan vare hvor som helst fra måneder til år. Det ser ut som en lang konsolideringsperiode under en downtrend. Prisen er inneholdt innenfor et område som tyrker bjørner er i likevekt. Forholdet mellom opp dager til ned dager er ganske mye like. 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnitt har en tendens til å flate ut etter en pris de cline. Price har en tendens til å piske frem og tilbake rundt 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnitt. Volatiliteten har en tendens til å være lav på grunn av mangel på interesse. Det ser noe ut som dette. Så hva er den beste handelsstrategien å bruke. En god tilnærming til handel med en akkumuleringsfase er å handle i selve rekkevidden. Dette betyr at det går langt på lavområdene og kortslår høydepunktet. Stoppløsningen skal plasseres utenfor slutten av området. Her er det jeg mener. I en akkumulering fase, ville jeg være mer tilbøyelig til å gå kort enn lang Hvorfor. Fordi du aldri vet når det er en akkumuleringsfase til faktum er over, vil jeg forklare mer om dette senere. Likevel vil jeg handle langs den minste motstandsstien som er mot downside. Disclaimer Vennligst gjør din egen due diligence før du risikerer pengene dine. Jeg vil ikke være ansvarlig for dine gevinster eller tap. Her er et eksempel på en handelsstrategi du kan vurdere. Hvis 200 EMA flater ut og prisen har falt de siste 6 månedene, og deretter identifisere høyden lo ws of the consolidation. If prisen når høye nivåer, så vent på prisavvisning før du går kort kunne være i form av Pinbar eller Engulfing patterns. If pris viser avslag, så skriv inn handelen din ved neste åpne. Hvis du har angitt, Deretter plasserer du stoppestedet på høyt lys og tar fortjeneste ved nærmeste sving lavt. Du vil sikkert lure på. Hvilken handelsstrategi du bør unngå. Ikke handle i midten av serien, da det har en dårlig handel. Prisen kan lett svinge tilbake mot høydepunktene. Dette vil resultere i at du blir stoppet ut av handelen din på støttemotstandsområdet. Det ser ut som dette. Jeg vet at du sikkert lurer på. Hvordan vet jeg om det er en opphopning, og ikke bare en annen konsolidering innen en trend. Noen som dette. Du vet ikke før faktumet er over. Fordi selv den flotteste akkumuleringen i markedene, kan det vise seg å være en konsolidering i en trend. Inntil faktum er over, vil jeg handle langs stien Minst motstand, som jeg s mot downside. Stage 2 Fremskyndelsesfase som trendhandlere elsker Beste handelsstrategi er å lengre opptrenden. Etter at prisen går ut av akkumuleringsfasen, går det inn i en fremgangsfase en opptrinn, og består av høyere høyder og nedturer. Karakteristika for fremskrittende fase. Det oppstår vanligvis etter prisbrudd ut av akkumuleringsfasen. Det kan vare hvor som helst fra måneder til år. Prisen danner en rekke høyere høyder og høyere nedgang. Prisen er handel høyere over tid. Det er flere oppe dager enn nedre dager . Langtidsflyttede gjennomsnitt er over langsiktige glidende gjennomsnitt, f. eks. 50 over 200 dagers ma. Det 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnittet peker høyere. Prisen er over 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnitt. Volatiliteten har en tendens til å være høy i det sentrale stadiet av fremskrittende fase på grunn av sterk interesse. Det ser noe ut som dette. Så som er den beste handelsstrategien å bruke. I en fremskredende fase, vil du bruke en trend handelsstrategi for å fange trender i markedet. Det er to måter å gjøre det. pullb Akk. Du kan se for lenge når prisen trekkes tilbake til viktige områder som. Flyttende gjennomsnitt. Støtteområde. Tidligere motstand ble støttet. Fibonacci levels.2 Trade breakout. Du kan se for lenge når price. Breaks over swing high. Close over swing høyt. Hvis du er interessert, kan du lese mer om hvordan du vellykket handler pullbacks og breakouts here. Which trading strategi å unngå. Når prisen er i en uptrend, er det siste du vil gjøre, å gå kort, aka counter trend. Jeg sier ikke at det er galt, men veien til minst motstand er tydelig på oppsiden. Med handel med trenden, får du et større smell for pengene dine, da impulsbevegelsen er sterkere enn den korrigerende flyttingen. Her er hva Jeg mener. Steg 3 Distribusjonsfase der trendhandlere blir drept, igjen. Fordeling skjer vanligvis etter en prisstigning og ser ut som en konsolideringsperiode. Kjennetegn ved distribusjonsfasen. Det oppstår vanligvis når prisene har steget de siste 6 månedene eller mer . Det kan vare hvor som helst fra måneder til og med år. Det ser ut som en lang periode med konsolidering under en uptrend. Prisen er inneholdt i et område som okser i bjørner er i likevekt. Forholdet mellom opp dagene og nedadagene er stort sett like. Det 200-dagers glidende gjennomsnittet pleier å flate ut etter en prisfall. Prisen har en tendens til å piske frem og tilbake rundt 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnitt. Volatiliteten har en tendens til å være høy fordi den har tatt oppmerksomheten til de fleste handelsfolk. Det ser noe ut som dette. Så hva er den beste handelsstrategien å bruke. Tilnærming til handel i en distribusjonsfase er å handle i selve rekkevidden. Dette betyr at det går langt på lavt nivå, og kortslår høydepunktet. Ditt stopplås skal plasseres utenfor slutten av området. Her er det jeg mener I en distribusjonsfase ville jeg være mer tilbøyelig til å gå langt enn kort. Fordi du aldri vet når det er en distribusjonsfase til faktum er over, vil jeg forklare mer om dette senere. Likevel vil jeg handle langs den minste motstandsstien , som er mot oppsiden ansvarsfraskrivelse Vennligst gjør din egen due diligence før du risikerer pengene dine. Jeg vil ikke være ansvarlig for dine gevinster eller tap. Her er et eksempel på en handelsstrategi du kan vurdere. Hvis 200 EMA flater ut og prisen har rallied over de siste 6 månedene, deretter identifisere høydepunktene i konsolideringen. Hvis prisen når det laveste av intervallet, vent på prisavvisning før du går lang, kan være i form av Pinbar eller Engulfing patterns. Hvis pris viser avslag, så skriv inn handelen din ved neste åpne . Hvis du kommer inn, legger du stoppestedet på lysstaken og tar fortjeneste ved nærmeste sving høyt. Hvilken handelsstrategi du skal unngå. Ikke handle i midten av området, da det har dårlig handel. Prisen kan lett svinge tilbake mot høydepunktene. Dette vil resultere i at du blir stoppet ut av handelen din på støttemotstandsområdet. Det ser noe ut som dette. Jeg vet at du sikkert lurer på. Hvordan vet jeg om det er en distribusjon, og ikke bare en annen konsolidering i en trend. S noe slikt. Fordi selv den beste utbredelsen i markedene, kan det vise seg å være en konsolidering innenfor en trend. Det er derfor du alltid handler med en stoppeløsning og riktig risikostyring. Inntil faktum er over, handler du langs veien minst motstand, som er mot oppsiden. Steg 4 Nedgangsfase der handelsmenn blir til investorer Den beste handelsstrategien er å kutte nedtrenden. Etter at prisen har gått ned i distribusjonsfasen, går det inn i en nedadgående fase, en nedgang, og består av lavere høyder og nedturer. Dette er scenen hvor handelsmenn som ikke kutter sitt tap, blir langsiktige investorer. Karakteristika av fallende fase. Det oppstår vanligvis etter prisbrudd ut av distribusjonsfasen. Det kan vare alt fra måned til år. Pris danner en Serier av lavere høyder og lavere nedgangspoeng. Prisen er handel lavere over tid. Det er flere døgn enn oppe dager. Langsiktig glidende gjennomsnitt er under langsiktige glidende gjennomsnitt, f. eks. 50 under 200 dagers ma. Den 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnittet peker lavere. Prisen er under 200 dagers glidende gjennomsnitt. Volatiliteten har en tendens til å være høy på grunn av panikk og frykt i markedene. Det ser noe ut som dette. Så hva er den beste handelsstrategien å bruke. I en avtagende fase, vil du ha å ansette en trend trading strategi for å fange trender i markedet. Det er to måter å gjøre it.1 Trade pullback. You kan se for lenge når pris trekke tilbake til viktige områder som. Moving average. Support område. Tidligere motstand slått støtte. Fibonacci levels.2 Trade breakout. You kan se for lenge når price. Breaks over swing high. Close over swing high. Which handelsstrategi å unngå. Når prisen er i en downtrend, er det siste du vil gjøre, å gå lenge , aka counter trend. Jeg sier ikke det er galt, men banen med minst motstand er tydelig til ulempen. Ved å handle med trenden, vil du få et større smell for pengene dine, da impulsbevegelsen er sterkere enn korrigerende trekk . Her er det jeg mener. Sammendrag av hva du lærer. Jeg håper det hjelper. Jeg vil gi y ou 45 måter å unngå å miste penger trading forex av Jimmy Young, CTA Hvem er Jimmy Young Pensjonert bevist profesjonell Bank Forex-handler med over 20 års hands-on Forex trading experience.1 Kunnskapsmangel De fleste nye FOREX-forhandlere tar ikke deg tid til å lære hva driver valutakurser primært fundamentals.2 Overtrading - Trading ofte med stramme stopp og små fortjeneste mål vil bare gjøre megleren rik Ønsket om å bare gjøre noen hundre dollar om dagen ved å låse i små fortjeneste når det er mulig er en tapende strategi.3 Over leverage - Leverage er en toveis gate. Meklerne vil at du skal bruke høy innflytelse fordi det betyr mer spredningsinntekter fordi din posisjonsstørrelse bestemmer mengden av spredningsinntekt, desto større er posisjonen, jo mer spredningsinntekt megleren tjener.4 Stol på andre Real Traders. spille en ensom hånd de tar sine egne beslutninger og ikke stole på andre for å gjøre sine handelsbeslutninger for dem, det er ingen halvveis, enten handel for deg selv eller har noen e Lse handel for deg. 5 Stopp Tap. Å sette stramme tap med forhandlere er en oppskrift på katastrofe. Når du legger på en handel, forplikter du deg til en rimelig stoppetapgrense som gjør at handelen din har en god mulighet til å utvikle.6 Demo Accounts Broker demo kontoer er et shill-spill av typen de er ikke så tidsfølsomme som ekte kontoer og derfor gir inntrykk av at tidsfølsomme handelssystemer, for eksempel kortsiktige glidende gjennomsnittsoverskridelser, kan bli konsekvent lønnsomt omsatt når du begynner å håndtere virkelige penger, er virkeligheten rask til å sett i.7 Handel i løpet av åpningstidene Bank FX-handlende, opsjonshandlere og hedgefond har en stor fordel i løpet av timer som de kan presse valutaene rundt når det ikke går noe volum og slutten av spillet er nye handelsfolk som prøver å handle med signaler Det er bare ett signal i løpet av åpningstidene. 8 Handle en valuta, ikke et par Å være rett om en valuta, er en halv handelssuksess eller svikt avhenger av å være rett om den andre valutaen som gjør opp paret.9 Ingen handelsplan - Tjene penger er ikke en handelsplan En handelsplan er en tegning for handelssuksess det spell ut hva du ser din kant som om du ikke har en kant, du har ikke en plan og sannsynligvis vil du finne en statistisk del av 95 av nye handelsmenn som mister og slutter.10. Handel mot fremadgående trend Det er en stor forskjell mellom å kjøpe billig på vei ned og kjøpe billig. Hva var en lav pris raskt blir en høy pris når du handler mot trenden.11 Avsluttende handel dårlig Hvis du legger på en handel og det ikke fungerer, sørg for at du avslutter riktig, ikke kompensere skaden. Hvis du er i en vinnende handel, ikke snakk deg ut av stillingen fordi du kjeder deg eller ønsker å avlaste stressspenning er en naturlig del av handelen vant til det.12 Handel for kort sikt Hvis fortjenestemålet ditt er mindre enn 20 poeng, gjør ikke handelen spredningen du betaler for å gå inn i handelslaget oddsen veien mot deg når du går for disse små fortjeneste.13 Plukker topper og bunner - Leter du etter gode kjøp fungerer bra i supermarkedet, men ikke handel med utenlandsk valuta, prøver å handle i retningen prisen går og resultatene dine vil bli bedre. 14 Å være for smart De mest vellykkede handelsmennene jeg vet er videregående studenter. De beholder det er enkelt og ikke ser utover det åpenbare at resultatene er gode.15 Ikke handler rundt nyhetstid De fleste av de store trekkene skjer rundt nyhetstid Volumet er høyt og bevegelsene er ekte. Det er ingen bedre tid å handle fundamentalt eller teknisk enn når nyheten er utgitt dette er når de virkelige pengene justerer sine stillinger og som følge av dette, reflekterer prisendringene sterkt valutaflyt sammenlignet med stille tider når bankhandlerne styrer markedet med kundenes bestillingsflyt.16 Ignorer teknisk betingelse Fastslå om markedet er over - utvidet lang eller overlenget kort er en nøkkelbestemmende faktor for nærtidsprishandlinger Spikebevegelser oppstår ofte når markedet er helt enkelt.17 Følelsesmessig handel Når y Du kan ikke forutse dine handler i hovedsak. Det er en tanke og ikke en ide, tanker er følelser og et svært dårlig grunnlag for å gjøre handler. Si folk generelt om intelligente ting når de er opprørt og følelsesmessig. Jeg tror det ikke. 18 Manglende tillit Tillit kommer bare fra vellykket handel Hvis du mister penger tidlig i din handels karriere, er det veldig vanskelig å oppnå sann tillit. Tricket er ikke å gå av med halvkule. Lær forretningen før du handler.19 Manglende mod til å miste det. Det er ingenting macho eller gutsy om å kaste tap, bare dumhet og feighet Det tar tøft å akseptere tapet ditt og vente på at i morgen skal prøve igjen Å bli gift med en dårlig posisjon ødelegger mange handelsfolk Ting å huske er at markedet gjør galne ting ofte, så ikke ikke gift med noen handel Det er bare en handel En god handel vil ikke gjøre deg til en handelssuksess heller enn det er månedlig og årlig ytelse som definerer en god handelsmann. 20 Ikke fokusert på handel på hånden Det er ikke noe rom for fa ntasizing i vellykket handel Opptelling og mentalt utgifter fortjeneste du har tatt er laget ennå er mental onani og gjør du ikke bra Samme med å bekymre deg for et tap som ikke har skjedd, men fokusere på stillingen din og ha et rimelig stoppfall på plass på det tidspunktet du gjør handelen Så vær som en astronaut lene seg tilbake og nyt turen Ingen følelse å bekymre deg fordi du ikke har noen reell kontroll Markedet vil gjøre det det vil gjøre.21 Tolke FOREX Nyheter Feil er pressen har bare en svært overfladisk forståelse av nyheter de rapporterer og pleier å fokusere på ett element og savner poenget Lær å lese kildedokumenter og forstå det for ekte.22 Lucky eller Good Kontosaldoen endres, ikke forteller deg hele historien om handelen din Fakta er om du er tar mye risiko og tjener penger vil du etter hvert krasje og brenne Se på de enkelte handelsdetaljer Fokus på dine store tap og tapstrekk Spør deg selv dette, hvis jeg hadde et par påfølgende løse Inngangsstraff eller et par påfølgende store tap, hvordan ser kontosaldoen min ut Generelle handlerne som tjener penger uten store daglige tap, har den beste muligheten til å opprettholde positiv ytelse. De andre er ulykker som venter på å skje.23 For mange veldedighetshandler Når du tjener penger på en godt gjennomtenkt handel, ikke gi tilbake halvparten på et innfall. Invester fortjenesten din fra gode handler på den neste gode handelen.24 Courage Under Fire Når en politimann bryter ned døren til en forhandler s leilighet, er han redd, men han gjør det uansett Når en brannmann klatrer på taket til en brennende bygning, er han redd, men gjør det uansett, og får jobben gjort Samme med handel. Det er greit å være redd, men du må trekke utløseren. Ingen utløser ingen handler. Ingen fortjeneste, ingen handelsmann. 25 Kvalitetshandelstid Jeg foreslår 3 timer om dagen med kvalitet, fokusert handelstid Det handler om hele hjernen din. Når du handler, vær 100 fokusert. Halvveis er kjeft - det virker ikke. Ikke engang tenk at tiden som tilbys foran c Omputer ser på prisene har noen sammenheng med lønnsomheten. Det spenner ikke mindre tid, men når du handler, må du være 100 fokusert på trading.26 Rationalisering Killer Absolute Killer Sett handelen din på og la den løpe Hvis den treffer ditt rimelige forhåndsbestemte stopp du er ute Tenk på deg selv som en prizefighter Du har nettopp slått ut Flyttet ditt stopp er som å komme opp etter å være knust med et knockout slag Det er meningsløst Ting blir bare verre Ikke ignorere det opplagte Du blir feil, kom deg ut Kom tilbake neste dag og prøv igjen Et lite tap vil ikke skade deg - et katastrofalt tap vil.27 Blande epler og appelsiner Har du noen gang gjort dette Du ser EURUSD-handel høyere, så du kjøper GBPUSD fordi den ikke har flyttet ennå Det er en feil De fleste av tid årsaken til at GBPUSD ikke har flyttet ennå, er fordi den allerede er overkjøpt eller noen 4 30 am britiske nyheter var bearish. Ikke bland epler og appelsiner. Hvis EURUSD ser bud, kjøp EURUSD.28. Unngå Hard Trades Bank FX-forhandlere har en aksiom den harde Er handelen er å gjøre det bedre handel Dette jeg lærte av erfaring Da jeg trengte å kjøpe EURUSD, og ​​det var vanskelig å få dem, da er det nødvendig å betale opp og få virksomheten ferdig. Når det er lett å få dem så sett deg tilbake og vent på bedre nivåer. Så hvis du prøver å komme inn i en handel, eller enda viktigere komme deg ut av en handel, gjør du ikke noe for noen få poeng - få din virksomhet ferdig.29 For mye detalj Hvis din handel more than 2 indicators then you need to clean house Having many indicators stifles trading and finds reasons not to trade A setup and a trigger is all you need.30 Giving Up Too Easy Your first trade of the day may not be your best but certainly it s no reason to quit I have a preset daily trading limit and I use it You can t make money by making excuses Getting trades wrong is natural and should be expected.31 Jumping the Gun Don t be penny wise and dollar foolish Wait for your trade signal to be clear Put on your trade and give it a decent size stop los s so that you don t get knocked out by random noise.32 Afraid to Take a Loss - trading is not personal, it s business Don t think that a poor trade is a reflection on you It could be you re just ahead of your time or a commercial order hits the market and temporarily creates a small unexpected move Again, place your stop beforehand and NEVER increase your pre-determined risk If it s going bad, it will probably get worse I think that s Newton s body in motion tends to stay in motion.33 Over-Relying on Risk Reward There is zero advantage in risk reward If you put a 20 point stop and a 60 point profit your chances are probably 3-1 that you will lose Actually with the spread its more like 4 to 1 from entry point if it goes down 17 points you lose, or up 63 - you win 17 63 is close to 4-1.34 Trading for Wrong Reasons Because the EURUSD is going up is not in itself a reason to buy Buying EURUSD because it s not moving much is even worse You re paying the toll spread without even a hint that you will get a directional move If you are bored, don t trade the reason you re bored is there is no trade to do in the first place.35 Rumors Rumors are rumors almost 100 of the time Think about where in the motion you heard the rumor If EURUSD is up 50 points in last 15 minutes and the rumor is dollar negative, well - then you missed it Whenever you in motion with the trade, determine where you are entering.36 Trading Short-term Moving Average Crossovers This is the money sucker of the century When the shorter term moving average cross the longer term moving average, it only means that the average price in the short run is equal to the average price in the longer run For the life of me, I cannot understand why this is bullish or bearish Easy to set up on software, complete with lights, bells and whistles, and good for the seller getting thousands for the software but in terms of creating profit - it s a zero.37 Stochastic Another money sucker Personally I think this indicator is used backwards When it first signals an overdone condition, that s when I think the big spike in the overdone currency pair occurs To be overbought means strong and oversold means weak Try buying on the first sign of overbought and selling on the first sign of oversold You ll be with the trend and likely have identified a move with plenty of juice left.38 Wrong Broker A lot of FOREX brokers are horrible Get a good one Read forums and chats in several different places to get an unbiased opinion.39 Simulated Results Watch out for black box systems These are trading systems that don t divulge how the trade signals are generated Great majority of them are absolute garbage They show you a track record of extraordinary results but think about it If you could build a trading system with half a dozen filters using the benefit of hindsight, couldn t you too come up with a great system Of course going forward is an entirely different story High - speed number crunching capabilities allows for building great hindsight trading systems, so BEWARE.40 Inconsistency Every business FOREX trading included requires a business plan trading plan Unless you have taken the time to write down a set of rules that you can and will follow, it s likely your trading will remain unfocused and directionless Make a plan, have rules, follow them Set goals that are realistic and you will achieve them.41 Master of None Focus on one currency for technical trading Each currency has a unique way of trading and unless you get intimate with it, you will never truly understand its underlying idiosyncrasies Don t spread yourself too thin focus, master one currency at a time.42 Thinking Long Term Don t do it Stay in the moment Especially if you re a day trader It doesn t matter what happens next week or next month If you are trading with 30 to 50 point stops, restrict your thought process to what s happening right now That is not to stay the long-term trend is not important It is to say the long-term trend will no t always help you when your trading a significantly shorter time frame.43 Overconfidence Trading is simple but not easy Statistics show 95 failure rate of those attempting to become traders If you re doing well, don t take your success for granted Always be on the lookout for ways to improve what you are already doing.44 Getting Pumped Up The trick is to maintain an even keel When you are in a trade, you want to think exactly as you would if you didn t have a trade on To do this requires a relaxed disposition This is not a football game Don t get psyched up Relax and try to enjoy it.45 Staying in the Game I don t recommend demo trading because traders learn bad habits when trading with play money I also don t think letting it all hang out right away is wise either Start off doing trades and taking risk that is relatively small but still makes a difference to you if you win or lose About a quarter to a third of what you expect to reach as your trading matures is reasonable. Hope this hel ps Also, if you want to learn more, you should check out this book which helped me the most.14 8k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. This is the best forex tip I know about. How to Turn 2 Thousand Dollars into 2 Million Within 2 Years. with a minimum of risk, using forex This method works with Pounds Sterling, Euros or Swiss Francs as well March 2015.Make sure you have a credit card with a limit of at least 3,000 If you don t have one, get one But if you can t get one, don t worry too much about it. Thoroughly learn the Forex tutorial given at School of Pipsology Learn Forex Trading it should take you about two months so be patient Also read as many articles as you can at - Forex Trading Secrets and Vantage Point Trading - Your Forex, Futures and Stock Trading Resource Since 2007.Open an OANDA practice trading account at Forex Trading Trade Currency Online Forex Broker OANDA and practice Forex using OANDA s proprietary Java software for a year, and become thoroughly familiar with For ex in practice Preferably also find a mentor or other forex experts to talk to Note that this year is not counted towards the 2 years in which you will turn your 2,000 into 2 million. Only then open an OANDA trading account at Forex Trading Trade Currency Online Forex Broker OANDA Preferably, to prevent anyone hacking into your computer, use a dedicated computer to do your trading but it doesn t have to be an expensive computer it just has to be capable of running the latest Java software You will have to send your ID, etc to OANDA, to prove you are who you say you are, so opening an account may take some time. Using OANDA s web site, set your leverage level to no more than 33 and no less than 25.Trade only the currency pair Euro US Dollar EUR USD. Deposit only 2,000 into your OANDA trading account on your first day of trading, using your credit card Try not to use any of the other available methods of depositing money into your account, since a commission will be charged but if necessary use them. In the OANDA Java applet, click in the menu on Tools User Preferences Trading and set the Default Order Size to 5 of Leveraged NAV Net Asset Value. Every day check the daily and weekly charts for EUR USD and determine the longest-term trends Also go to Economic Outlook and Financial Market Predictions and see what their forecast chart is predicting it is fairly accurate, as can be seen by their historical data In addition, google the phrase EUR USD long term outlook without the quotes and read what big financial institutions like big banks and major investment houses like Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg are saying about the long term outlook for the EUR USD pair And best of all make a daily in-depth study of the material at EUR USD Technical Studies. Set trades only in the direction of the longest-term trend, outlook and sentiment with regard to the EUR USD pair This is very important. In the OANDA Java applet, set at least 25, and preferably 50, Limit or pending trades in the direc tion of the long term trend, each approximately 2 5 pips apart from the next Each trade should be set to 5 pips of Default Take Profit level, and the Default Limit Order Duration of each trade should be 3 months. Set every fourth trade to either 20, 25 or 30 pips Take Profit. Set a stop loss on each trade of more than 300 pips It is very important that the stop loss be larger than the weekly price fluctuation. When the EUR USD price level moves in the direction of the trend, if you happen to be at your computer, close any trade that has made a profit and now appears to be clearly turning in the direction of a potential loss At other times, let the price level automatically take profit. Try to be at your computer as often as you can though not necessarily continuously between the hours of 4 am and 12 noon, Eastern Standard Time This is when trading in the EUR USD currency pair is normally the most volatile, and when you can make the most money. Get yourself a tablet or a smart phone, and dow nload the appropriate OANDA app check how the market is doing every now and then wherever you are, and if necessary, close trades as said earlier and also below. Make sure that there are always at least 25, and preferably 50, Limit trades above or below the price line above or below depending on the direction of the trend, of course. If the market is going in the profitable direction very rapidly on any given day, set additional pending trades each with 5 pips Take Profit in-between all the other trades which are about 2 5 pips apart If the volatility decreases later, cancel these additional trades. Every now and then check the Margin Closeout Percent in the Account Summary table of the OANDA Java window If it goes above 20 , close some trades, even if you have to do so at a loss or deposit some more money from your credit card to tide you over temporarily Once you have made a profit equal to or greater than the amount deposited, withdraw the money so deposited. Keep the number of dangling trades i e , trades making a potential loss to a maximum of 10, and preferably to no more than 5 Close any losing trades over and above 10, even if necessary at a small loss. At the end of every month of trading, withdraw 25 of the profit made during that month, and keep it in a separate bank account to use as a cushion against any catastrophic unexpected losses In time this cushion will grow to about half the balance in your trading account. Be patient If you make an average profit of 2 or more per trading day, then within 2 years the total amount of money in the Balance column of your account will grow to well over 2 million while over that time you will have deposited and therefore risked only 2,000.1 2k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Hannah Lawrence Forex Trader and Article Contributor for. Here are some of the best Forex Trading tips I ve applied to myself. Focus on bigger picture. Instead of focusing on their losses, successful traders focus on the overall performance of the ir trade They trade, regardless of the losses they encounter, because they believe in their system and in their winning probabilities. Proper money management. Successful traders follow the golden rule of not risking more than 2 of their capital to increase their probabilities in winning. Master their own emotions. They do not let their emotions affect their trade They do not trade base on greed or fear. Stick to their trading plan. They follow their trading plan religiously - they do not enter a trade when it is against their trading plan. They set goals. Goal sets the tone on how you should trade Once successful traders targeted return is met for the week, they do not enter another trade or if they do, they would risk smaller percentage of their capital. They dare to step out of their comfort zonefort zone restricts us from achieving our dreams Successful traders are not afraid They do what are necessary to further their growth. As you trade more often, you ll discover more on how successful t raders think.148 Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Mansi Jain studied at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore. Investments in the stock market need a good knowledge of the Company and its detail The stock market is very much volatile in nature and the past record of share value is not a pointer for future performance It is also important whether you are going for short term gains or for long term investment It is a better idea to invest in different shares at the same time than depending on a limited number of shares, because the loss in one will be compensated by the other You should take the advice of a well experienced market expert or Share Brokers or from established Banks via their Security Services Investing in stocks of different Banks for a long term gain can be a good option Lots of Banks are now maintaining Mutual Funds managed by their experienced Fund Managers This can be the most excellent option because the Bankers like the SBI, HDFC, ICICI etc invest in established Stocks and good returns can be expected over a long term A calculated risk is advisable if you are a youngster Going for stock option can be disastrous particularly for older and retired people having no other source of income You may find for more information from the different Search engines or from websites like moneycontrol, CNBC, economic times for a discussion on the nature and forecast of the available stock options It is a fantasy to think that the stocks of established companies only will always yield high returns and those unknown Companies might cause loss of investment The final decision is always yours and your experience will make you the top judge whether to go or not to go for an investment like buying stocks and whether to go for a long term or short term investment Before you enter into any Segment you should always remember that what you are doing, why you are doing it and how to do it Previous to you invest in any security, the initial investment in the stock market , you should make is in yourself, and the most excellent investment you can make is by regularly educating yourself in the current business news or company announcement. Begin your education by learning why you should invest and the value of being able to make your own decisions or how the pros make theirs. Following are a few reading materials that can get you begin in the correct direction. When Genius Failed - Roger Lowenstein Den of Thieves - James B Stewart The Big Short - Michael Lewis Barbarians at the Gate - Bryan Burrough John Helyar Beating the Street by Peter Lynch From Riches to Rags, by I C Freeley How to Make Money in Stocks by William O Neil 24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success by William O Neil The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham Common Stocks, Uncommon Profits, by Philip A Fisher One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch Stocks for the Long Run, by Jeremy Siegel The Interpretation of Financial Statements by Benjamin Graham What Works on Wall Street by James O S haunessey You Can Be a Stock Market Genius by Joel Greenblatt You re Money and Your Brain by Jason Zweig. You can get into the making daily habit to visit some websites like MSN Money, CNBC, Moneycontrol, Economic times, Google Finance and Yahoo Finance. Visit a few of the more professional websites like Trifid Research Forex Tips, Free Forex Tips some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also And keep in mind, if they offer free information, get it. The Stock market at least has made the accurate decision to begin investing, this is the first big step and it won t be your last Always Keep taking those steps forward and along the way don t take the advice from people that are not in the market or try to tell you not to invest.684 Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Robert Parker CEO of Holborn Assets - Holistic Financial Planning Services, Dubai. Here are some trading tips for beginners. Don t expect anything from Forex trading in the long term, but just l earn about it I don t say you should not get motivated, but don t let your imagination go too far Don t believe every advertising on the Internet about how you will get a 500 bonus on deposit, or about how you can trade without losing money Have a serious attitude and spend your time by learning rather than dreaming Learning involves much reading, practicing on a demo account and looking for simple strategies. Don t borrow money to start Forex trading. You should never but never invest more than you can afford If you have some extra-money, you should spend them on your practicing, because for the beginning - you will not make consistent profits - so be ready for that. Keep in mind that no one is happy to give you free money Why would someone do that to you Do you think the Fx brokers are so generous and want to help you with your life It is a business, so try to find reputable brokers. In Forex - all that matters is ATTITUDE - so focus on that If you have amazing strategies without a serio us and professional attitude, it won t help you. Try to have some fun Try to have pleasure by analyzing the news A trader does not act like an inpatient bull who expects the toreador open the gate as quick as possible to get all the money because he has found some important news and wants to invest all the balance You should not do it even if the sentiment is bullish. Learn some particular instruments like EUR USD, Gold, USD JPY and focus only on their specifics In time, you will catch some issues that are repetitive. Forex trading is not about this. There are probably more, but I will stop here for now. I hope this was helpful. Forex Trading Advice and Tips.1 Acknowledge the likelihood of losing your cash as an unavoidable reality Each apprentice dealer ought to know that nobody is sheltered from misfortunes in the cash showcase The essential manage of online cash exchanging is to keep the benefit over the misfortunes.2 Offered just with a precisely brainstormed out arrangement Before you b egin exchanging, you ought to decide the amount of your own cash you will hazard and what benefit you anticipate This will be your adjust of hazard and benefit Effective brokers never enter exchanges without an unmistakable objective.3 Try not to fear the outside trade advertise Numerous fledgling brokers fear vulnerability and dangers of the remote trade advertise The individuals who can conquer this are compensated with a considerable increment in speculations.4 Assume liability for your choices Effective merchants will never disavow moral duty It is you who enter the market and it is you who accept all accountability for the exchanges, gainful or unfruitful.5 Try not to give voracity a chance to assume control At the point when offering starts effectively, dealers regularly disregard the beforehand set objectives, seeking after the same fruitful continuation Be that as it may, the market is exceptionally unstable and patterns may rapidly end Once the objective cost is come to, insta ntly pull back the benefit or raise the stop-cost to stay away from misfortunes.6 Impact of news on the exchanges The expansion in exchanging volume brought on by a greatly exposed occasion prompts to the development of costs, which is adequate to guarantee that brokers use further bolstering their good fortune short and quick changes available Unpracticed merchants frequently go for one exchanging exchange for each day, which would make impressive benefit.7 Try not to have dreams In the event that a vacant position is deteriorating, don t remain focused market in the trust of the pattern turning in the heading that is good for you Instantly leave the market.8 Evacuate feelings The reason for misfortunes regularly lies in exorbitant emotionality Kill feelings amid exchanges Adhere to your arrangement and keep in mind to set stop misfortune orders.9 Pattern is your companion Exchange along the heading of the pattern and your benefits will develop. Last proposals before beginning.1 Try no t to hustle Fledgling merchants regularly begin a few exchanges, and afterward see that they are not ready to screen all of them You can make benefit in Forex when the swapping scale is going up and when it is falling Effective acquiring is workable for one cash combine Hence, first concentrate on one coin match and get to the others bit by bit.2 Keep in mind the stop arrange A successive reason for misfortunes isn t right cash administration To anticipate immense misfortunes, you should utilize a stop arrange.3 Exchanging framework Each dealer has an exchanging framework, which they change in accordance with their enjoying A few dealers lean toward an arrangement of exchanging once every day, other are pulled in by longer periods The thought is adhere to the first arrangement of exchanging A few unsuccessful exchanges may not generally show your framework is unrewarding.4 Take you benefit utilizing orders A typical misstep of fledglings is early shutting of exchanges Try not to step f ar from your online forex exchanging arrangement This will avert you losing potential benefit.5 Try not to transform productive exchanges into misfortunes Mindfully screen the development of the market When positive qualities are accomplished, set the stop arrange at the level of access to the market This will secure your cash Next, move the stop arrange after the pattern so exchanges get to be gainful for you.6 Visit doorways Visit passages into the market are not terrible, but rather on the off chance that you utilize them incompetently, you can rapidly go bankrupt The system is that the dealer with a negative position esteem builds its size, accepting that the market will come back to its previous condition and all positions will be shut with a benefit Be that as it may, if the conversion scale goes far from the past level, the misfortunes will be colossal, so you would be advised to simply purchase and hold.7 Pre-arranging Try not to enter the market simply because costs are pointe dly rising or falling Prepare for how you will offer Have a reasonable objective of your entrance, the conversion scale revenue driven taking request and the minute to stop.8 Try not to lose the ventures You ought to know how to spare the cash you earned Rapidly shut the losing positions and keep open the gainful ones.9 Energy and pattern Tenderfoot dealers regularly don t understand that with the rise of another pattern, energy is developing New brokers make a solid motivation as they join different exchanges available when the pattern is developing Exchange when the force is to support you It will push your exchanges the right bearing and you will achieve the purpose of benefit taking significantly quicker than you anticipated.10 Try not to dedicate an excessive amount of time to unrewarding exchanges In the event that you see that the opened position is misfortune making, the best arrangement is close it and proceed onward to another, along these lines minimizing your misfortunes Th e coin market is brimming with deals, so there is no utilization squandering time on unfruitful exchanges. By taking after the suggestions above, you will rapidly observe a change in your work on the outside trade advertise Presently you can securely begin genuine exchanging with 100 honest forex signals provider website.1 1k Views View Upvotes Not for Reproduction. Attention Frustrated Forex Traders Here s a riddle that could change your entire financial future. Yeah, that s right there s almost seven and a half million dollars sitting in these two bank accounts all from trading Forex. Got your attention Good. Because you re not only going to meet the twenty-six other people featured on this page who ve used these strategies to become wildly successful Forex traders. You re going to have the rare opportunity to become one of them. You ll have a front-row seat as this unassuming every man lays bare his arsenal of profit-powered trading strategies every single one of which can be expertly wiel ded by the most bumbling trader. Read on for the details. Today he lays his secrets bare for all aspiring FX traders, when he reveals. How a mental traffic jam helped him develop a bulletproof trading system proven to crush all competitors. Three irrefutable reasons no trading robot or signal service can ever replace a real, flesh-and-blood trader. The mistake 99 3 of newbies make that s guaranteed to empty your bank account faster than a vindictive ex-wife. Well Explained Follow Along At Your Own Pace. The Daily Trading System is by far the most comprehensive forex course I ve seen. He covers everything from setting up your charts to dozens of different trading strategies. Included with the system are the very templates that he uses himself to make money from the market Follow along at your own pace. The strategies are well explained and easy to implement On the weekends, when the markets aren t moving, you can take time to try many of the strategies that he presents to derive your own trading style A plethora of combinations are all right here in the Daily Trading System Forex Course. David New Orleans, LA. You ve Certainly Over Delivered. Wow, you ve done it again. I ve been really impressed by your previous forex products, but this time you have totally blown me away. You ve covered an incredible amount of content - starting at a level a beginner could easily understand but with some great advanced strategies that should really help bring in some nice moolah. I really can t believe how much content you have provided here - you ve certainly over delivered. I ll have no qualms about recommending the Daily Trading System Forex Course to my friends. Dan Perth, Western Australia. FROM L L A Renegade Forex Expert SUBJECT Kicking Your FX Profits Into Overdrive. Dear Freedom Seeker. Put down that boring textbook. cancel your flight to that overpriced seminar. and for the love of all that is good step away from that profit-stealing trading bot. Because today I m going to reveal these methods for the cash-sucking scams they are. expose state secrets of the Forex industry only whispered behind closed doors. and you ll finally understand exactly what you need to make serious cash from the market. At least you will if you pay attention. So lock the door pull the blinds and take the phone of the hook. Because right now s when you discover. Yeah it can be done. I ll prove it beyond any doubt. Why Trading The Forex Market Is The Only Real Solution To Today s Economic Troubles. If you re serious about getting out of the rat race unlocking financial freedom and making REAL money there s only one real option. You don t need a ton of cash to start trading - you can quite literally make a fortune with a kitty as small as 100.You don t have to wait months or years to see significant results - some of my students are seeing returns of up to 30 PER MONTH. You don t need to be some kind of super-genius - once you have my proven system in your hands, raking in money s as simple as joining dots yeah reall y. Interested in finding out more about how you can get your slice of this 4 53 billion yep that s billion with a B Forex pie. Then don t miss a word on this page. But first there s something we need to get straight. If you re brand new to Forex but have heard about the tremendous gains average investors can make that decimate stocks bonds and even the gold market. If you ve dipped your toes into the treacherous rapids of the Forex river only to receive the bone-soaking chill of a string of failed trades. Or even if one of those over-priced Expert Advisors has flushed more of your cash down the toilet than you care to admit. then the power you re about to possess will change your life forever. On the other hand. Stuck in a dead-end job working for someone you hate. Living from paycheck to paycheck. Struggling to keep your head above water in a churning sea of bills Or stuck with these Internet Marketing Programs that just don t work. If that is you then reading any further is a complete waste of y our time and you should probably just click away right now. Those of you still here. Psssst I ve got a secret for you. The simple fact of the matter is. It happens every day. Innocent newbies gape in horror as the outdated and dangerous teachings of the Forex Gurus send their life savings swirling down the toilet. Maybe you know someone it happened to. Heck maybe it happened to you. If it did there s something you need to know right now. It s NOT your fault. It s got nothing to do with you being stupid ignorant or even just plain unlucky. Your lack of success is due to one reason and one reason only. you ve been lied to. And in just a moment I m going to fill you in on the poisonous half-truths keeping you from earning your first dime. The often-parroted and completely wrong Forex tactics standing in the way of you calling the shots in life. And the cancerous misinformation holding you back from achieving true financial freedom. But first let me fill you in on. Some of you may have heard of me before. Maybe it s because the huge amounts of cash generated by my trading tactics have led students to dub me The World s Best FX Coach. Maybe it s because I actually care about their success that has lead to them being more confident in their trading to a point each trade they make is far more precise than it ever was before. Maybe it s because I go out of my way to take them by the hand and show them how it s really done that s lead to their success. Or perhaps it s because Forex magazines with over thirty thousand subscribers have begged me to spill my super-profitable strategies. Or maybe just ma ybe you re one of the rare insiders who knows some of the biggest Forex Gurus around have paid me a king s ransom to tweak rebuild and perfect their services The Latest being FAP Ichimoku with no reports of any losses, just positive gains week after week after week. Very Good Stuff Brilliant. I just starting watching your course and watched many vids already I must say it is very good stuff. You speak with passion and professionalizm which fills the listener with enthusiasm to keep going and studing Really good stuff. P S just wanted to let you know that my quick test of the new code based on your ichimoku filter shows that your idea is brilliant. The number of SL reduces a lot and the number of winning trades does not reduce too much. We released FAP Turbo Ichimoku out to our Members and they re really happy. Mike - FAP Turbo World Wide. Above And Beyond What I Was Expecting. Hey man, your course is awesome there s not many out there that have this type of high calibre in their training material. DUDE, you have gone way and above beyond what I was expecting inside the members area - You ve definitely over delivered here. I can not see any reason why anyone would not be happy with this course, very easy to understand and straight forward easy to follow instructions. Of course I wasn t always this successful. In fact when I was growing up we didn t just have it rough. we were so poor the Salvation Army knew us by name. I mean a rare month for my family was when we had food in our bellies electricity in the house and gas in our old clunker of a car. all at the same time. Basically it was a life I swore I d avoid when I grew up no matter what. Mix that kind of gumption with my fascination with patterns and sequences and an innate sixth sense when it comes to numbers. And you can probably see why I got into the Forex game in the first place. But as I soon discovered. C mon you know exactly what I m talking about. After all you can t even check your email without some Forex Guru bombarding you with a new get-rich-quick scheme. It could be an overpriced seminar. It might be a shady signals service. or perhaps it s a poorly-built trading bot. Whatever it is one thing s for certain. it s not going to do a darn thing to build your financial future. In fact you d be far better off striking out on your own than trusting solutions produced by these money-hungry hacks. Becaus e the truth is. These currency charlatans wouldn t know a good trade if it spit in their eye. For all their boasting bragging and posturing your average Forex Expert doesn t know the first thing about successful trading. Written on the cheap by some washed-up freelancer who thinks using Google qualifies as in the trenches research. Rebranded recycled and regurgitated garbage not worthy of calculating grade-school arithmetic let alone the complexities of currency trading. The past results they so highly tout. Tampered with by some college student with a bootleg copy of Photoshop and crushing student debt. An effective trading robot. In fact just a few weeks ago I came across this on a popular FX forum. This Robot Is A Scam. I tried to login with the investor password they provided on the website, none of them worked I emailed them to ask for the investor password They sent me 2 passwords for MIG bank They said that there are losing open trades because they want to trick the broker. The problem is, even without the losing open positions, the robot is still losing badly And one account had a margin call. I have their emails and the statements of these accounts if someone is interested Because I can t attach files. Stay away from it Its price is 2K for god sake.- Anonymous , Forex Peace Army Forum. Fact is that s just one of the many heart-breaking stories you ll find out there. Ask any real trader and they ll tell you. there simply is no such thing as a set-it-and-forget-it Forex solution. Sure there are a couple of useful bots out there. But they ll never replace the know-how a flesh-and-blood trader needs to capitalize on market movements with guerrilla efficiency. After all big banks and security companies spend billions of dollars every year on Forex traders analysts and consultants. If these income-obsessed institutions could instead use one of these supposed perpetual profit machines for free. don t you think they d be doing it. Plus let s face it. Putting your financial fate in the hands of a piece of software no matter how advanced is just plain crazy. All it takes is one processing error or for the market to briefly move in a way the bot s were not programmed to deal with and your account evaporates in the blink of an eye. Trust me I learned that lesson the hard way. But no matter how difficult things got or how badly I wanted to throw in the towel I never let go of my dream of becoming a successful trader. Being dyslexic words were never my strong suit. While the rest of my classmates were reading every last Hardy Boys book I was having trouble reading a simple comic book I tripped over words so often my teachers thought I was on drugs. But there was something else, too. You know how sometimes when people are missing one of their senses the others become heightened. They say some blind people develop almost superhuman levels of hearing. the deaf learn to use their vision to read li ps with incredible accuracy. and paraplegics train themselves to use their arms and hands to take over for their legs and feet. Well it s kind of like that. Because while my facility with words was limited my abilities with numbers more than made up for it. Where others saw only a confusing wall of figures I was able to decipher patterns and hidden meanings like some kind of mathematical seer. And when I turned my gifts towards the Forex market it was as if I was able to flex a massive new muscle. Results not typical Required disclaimer. Imagine how easy your life would be if you were making this kind of cash on demand every single month. The money-magnetizing secrets I m about to reveal make it so darn easy to bring in this kind of dough it s almost not fair. But here s where it gets really interesting. Eventually I was able to transform my natural talent into a series of strategies anybody can use to grab giant gains from the Forex market regardless of intelligence or previous experience. This is important so let me repeat it. These are strategies ANYBODY can use. And now after many years of study and millions of dollars in trial and error I m proud to be. Personal results Results may not be typical for average user Required disclaimer. The Forex Daily Trading System can t be beat anywhere, at any price. It s the culmination of over twelve years of exhausting trial-and-error as a professional Forex Trader. I hold nothing back freely revealing the cogs and gears of my unique system in more than 140 simple to follow, high quality videos and expose how they mesh together to create a precision-crafted profit machine. And because I explain everything in plain English, you don t need to be a math professor or economics major to become a dead-eye Forex assassin. The sheer fact that you were able to find your way to this web page means you already have the raw talent needed to mug the market for thousands of dollars any time you want. Plus because the course is expertly paced, you ll NEVER be thrown in a trading situation you re not ready for This alone saves you thousands of dollars in losses. As for the mechanics of it all these HD videos are not onl y Mac and PC compatible but they also can be downloaded and played on your iPod iPhone iPad Nook or any other video-capable handheld device. Heck the entire course is even colorblind friendly So if you re monochromatic dichromatic or even trichromatic you can rest easy knowing these videos won t leave you out in the cold. I d Recommend Your Coaching In The Blink Of An Eye. Your video training on trading forex left me totally speechless. I ve known some hotshot traders during my time within investment banking, but you re a cut above. The best thing though is how simple and easy you ve made it for normal folk to get to grips with, and trade forex for themselves to make money. I suspect the majority of people who get mentored by you will start trading forex successfully. I was telling some of my guys just the other day - with such uncertain times in business and jobs being shed left right centre, everyone needs to learn a skill like forex so they can earn extra cash when needed I ve always hesit ated to send people to forex courses, as the one s I ve investigated were poor at best They leave people feeling more confused after they finished than when they stared. I d reccommend your coaching in the blink of an eye. Tuks E London, UK Former Morgan Stanley Dean Witter - Investment Banker. Membership to lesser programs have sold recently for multiple thousands of dollars. Which probably gets you to thinking. Not nearly as much as you re expecting. Let s face it this proven FX blueprint is almost unimaginably powerful. After all once you know how to predict market movements with uncanny accuracy life changes. Instead of living in fear of smashing your account against hidden reefs you navigate the treacherous currents of the Forex sea with steely-eyed confidence. Where others lie awake at night wondering how they ll pay the rent this month or put gas in their beat up Dodge Stratus you re buying a bigger house, a faster car, and a new 3D flat-screen all with Forex funding. And rather than wadi ng through rush-hour traffic to take abuse from some guy who denied your vacation request three times you re living life on your own terms. There s no more struggle no more stress and entrapment in the rat race is a thing of the past. Natural Born Teacher Easy To Understand. He is no doubt a natural-born teacher by nature. Well, he turns me a total newbie, with zero-knowledge in Forex into a proffesional trader. Daily Trading System is painstakingly easy to understand The course is structured in detail and I bet everybody with eyes and ears and understand it. Sham C Singapore. But just for kicks let s give it a shot anyway. I ve got friends who have paid more than a 100,000 00 for their college education brilliant men and women who studied Market Economics and graduated at the top of their class. Only to land a 25,000 a year job as a secretary s assistant. Imagine that spending six figures on an education. just to end up a secretary s secretary. Maybe you can relate. Sure if you kiss up to your boss enough and do enough unpaid overtime you might score a promotion. but you ll never have the money or the freedom you dream of. You re practically chained to your desk married to your job. And sometimes you just want to go to sleep and never wake up. Fact is, I could walk up to anyone in this situation give them a sneak peek of what I have available and I bet they d do pretty much anything to gain entry to my Forex Trading System. Sell the car mortgage the house get a second job. I mean anything. I ve Bought Some Courses That Cost 10,000 25,000 And None Even Come Close. You re NUTS pricing this course at the amount you have I would of been more than happy to have paid you at least 50,000 00 for this course I ve bought some that cost 10,000 to as high as 25,000 00 And NONE come even close to what you have provided in your Forex Course. It s really great - spending time at home with my loved ones, and even better now I have a wife who s sharing the same interest She didn t want to at first, though when I showed her my results she was really impressed, even though we weren t making thousands a week, a few hundred a week at first. Now I can t stop hearing my Wife saying Is this signal a good one. I m totally blown away. My upmost respect goes out to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Paul J South London. Results not typical Required disclaimer. First of all I m NOT charging for this because I need the cash. Frankly I make plenty of money trading. So money s not the driving force here though it is a nice bonus. See I m very passionate about Forex both trading and teaching. Call me crazy but there s something about seeing my students experience their aha moments. It s that hinge in their life where their trading turns from poverty-inducing to cash-producing that makes all the hard work worth it. However, I can t afford to waste my time with posers, and I don t want to spill my secrets to those who aren t going to take it seriously. So when I created this membership I knew I had to charge just the right amount to weed out the time-wasters while making it completely accessible to any truly serious trader. And while it wasn t easy without blowing my own trumpet I think I ve nailed it. Because today you re not going to pay thousands each month for this system although we both agree it s well worth it. You re not even going to pay 1000 a month like those slimy Forex sharks would charge you for their worthless robot software. When you sign up now and only from this page. You can skip the monthly payments all together and have the entire Forex Day Trading System course only 397 month. But don t grab it yet, because. I know 397 isn t exactly chump change. And while that s kind of the point I still vividly remember how tough it could be to scrape together money for food let alone a system that promises you riches. So I m going to propose a Gentleman s Agreement of sorts and give you full access to this program at the hugely discounted rate of just 97.But in return I want you to do something for me. I want you to pull out all the stops to make a killing from the FX market in record time. Watch the videos and apply the teachings. You already have the intelligence Now you just need the tools. I can t see any reason you won t be able to make this happen with your membership in The Forex Daily Trading System. Sounds good, right. Well it gets better. In fact you haven t even heard the best part yet. Because every Forex Day Trading System membership is backed by. I ll come right out and say it. I think the Forex Day Trading System is unquestionably the most powerful trading solution available for ANY price. And while I have plenty of Student success stories to verify that statement I admit I may be a tiny bit biased. After all I ve put my heart and soul and more money than I ll publicly admit into testing, tweaking, and fine-tuning this program. Even so I m going to make you the kind of offer that ll have you recommending me a straight jacket and a padded cell. Take the Forex Day Trading System out for a spin at this heavily discounted price of just 97 month. Grab a drink kick back and check out all the material. After watching just a few of my custom-recorded videos you ll be making long-awaited Forex breakthroughs. Dollar signs will be multiplying before your eyes. And cash will be flooding into your bank account faster than a firehose on steroids. If you re not happy simply send me an email within 30 days and I ll refund every cent you paid. Cancel in the first month and you get every dime of your money back. Even if you re 29 days and 23 hours into the month, write me to cancel and all that month s fee is back in your pocket. You won t be badgered with questions grilled for reasons why or even asked if you ve ever tried using what you learned Your money is yours no matter what. I can make a guarantee this bold because I m confident that you re going to absolutely love my system. I think we both agree that s more than fair. Sounds perfect, Please give me access to The Forex Day Trading System right now. By now you re probably realizing just how much better your life will be with the Daily Trading System Forex Course. And you probably also know. You ve seen first-hand the incredible results I ve generated with this system. You ve observed newbie traders deliver lethal blows to the market. And you ve been briefed on the lengths I ve gone to in order to make this a true no-brainer decision for you. Answer me honestly. Do you think you ll ever see a deal like this in the future. An opportunity giving you. No-holds-barred access to the trading process of a guy who s made multi-millions and has over a decade of experience. Over 140 videos with complete instant access to the entire course allowing you to reach your profit-producing potential faster than you ever dreamed possible. A bend-over-backwards guarantee ensuring you get to sample these bank-bulging treats with absolutely no risk to your bank account. If you re still mulling it over let me answer for you with a resounding no. Because you won t see an opportunity like this again In fact you won t even see one half this good. And that puts you in a very interesting position. It s time to make a choice. Mediocrity or massive success. Corporate slavery or crazy profits. Financial failure or Forex freedom. On one hand you can take the e asy way out. You can tell yourself you can t afford this program swear it ll never work for you or convince yourself it s just not worth trying. You can go back to your lousy job your pile of bills and your shackled existence. and never give this page a second thought. Or you can choose the path of courage conviction and complete Forex domination. You can take responsibility for your own success vow to do whatever it takes to finally beat the bullying brokers and grab your Forex Day Trading System membership right now. Think of where that choice could take you. A life where sleep-ins are the norm exotic vacations are a way of life and you only vaguely remember a time when you actually had to worry about how much you were spending. Suddenly you re the master of your own destiny You march to the beat of your own band you set your own hours and you live your own life. And it is a great life but you re the one who has to make it happen. Take the first step secure your membership to the Day Trading S ystem right now. I know I ve got what it takes to succeed in Forex. I ve got the intelligence the courage and a burning desire to succeed. All I need is the Forex Day Trading System. Because once I have this money-manufacturing trading course in my hands nothing will be able to stop me from finally achieving sweet financial freedom. When I sign up today, I m getting. Building An Unshakable Forex Foundation in which you ll give me a plain English overview of trading the market, and explain the must-know rules other traders miss. Arming Yourself With Cash-Sucking Indicators where I ll be privy to your most closely-guarded secrets on which indicators to trick out my trading station with and exactly how to use them to bring in piles of freshly-minted cash. MacGuyver Forex Combinations For Massive Gains which exposes the brutally effective Forex armory you put together with unassuming everyday trading tools, and gives me too-easy templates to replicate your success in a fraction of the time. Trading Naked 2 Modules , containing the almost mystical-seeming secrets any trader no matter how inexperienced can use to see market movements before they happen It s like knowing the winning lottery numbers a week in advance or catching the endgame score of the Super Bowl before betting closes. The Iron Clad Guarantee allowing me to cancel my membership and get a full refund for the current month, no questions asked If I cancel in month one, I don t pay a dime thereafter. But today I get it all for just 397 month 97 monthes with a rock solid guarantee. What can I say it s a heck of a deal. That s why I m going to secure my membership right now. See you on the inside. L L JayKay Bak. P S Don t forget I m throwing in a truly risk-destroying guarantee with this Check out the Forex Day Trading System at your leisure for a full thirty days If during that period you re not overwhelmed and excited by the explicit level of detail and the generosity of my coaching, simply email me or my staff and we ll refund every penny you paid. With an iron-clad guarantee like that I can t lose Okay sign me up for the Forex Day Trading System. P P S Other students have already created lives of ease and luxury using this proven blueprint some of them from very disadvantaged backgrounds And frankly there s absolutely nothing stopping you from doing the same. So what are you waiting for secure your membership to the Forex Day Trading System right now. This product is being sold and guaranteed by Unselfish Marketers Co Ltd Scandinavia Our postal address is JK Bak, Moellevej 4i, 4100 Ringsted, Copenhagen, Denmark Phone 45 3696 4888 Office Hours 1am-9am EST Support Affiliates. Copyr ight - JayKay Bak - All Rights Reserved Worldwide - Member Login. U S Government Required Disclaimer Trading financial instruments of any kind including options, futures and securities have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the options, futures and stock markets Don t trade with money you can t afford to lose This training website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy Sell options, futures or securities No representation is being made that any information you receive will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this training website The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results Please use common sense This site and all contents are for educational and research purposes only Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument Add itional Disclaimer I strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional or therapist before using any information provided on this website Any market data or commentary used in this training video is for illustrative, educational, and creative expression purposes only Although it may provide information relating to investment ideas and the buying or selling of securities, options or futures, you should not construe anything on this training website as legal, tax, investment, financial or any other type of advice If you do, it s your own fault Nothing contained on this training website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, push or offer to buy or sell any security by anyone involved with this research EARNINGS DISCLAIMER EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ACCURATELY REPRESENT THIS PRODUCT AND ITS POTENTIAL THERE IS NO GUARANTEE THAT YOU WILL EARN ANY MONEY USING THE TECHNIQUES AND IDEAS OR SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS WEBSITE EXAMPLES IN T HIS PAGE ARE NOT TO BE INTERPRETED AS A PROMISE OR GUARANTEE OF EARNINGS EARNING POTENTIAL IS ENTIRELY DEPENDENT ON THE PERSON USING THE INFORMATION INCLUDED TO THIS PAGE, THE IDEAS AND THE TECHNIQUES WE DO NOT PURPORT THIS AS A GET RICH SCHEME YOUR LEVEL OF SUCCESS IN ATTAINING THE RESULTS CLAIMED IN THIS PAGE DEPENDS ON THE TIME YOU DEVOTE TO THE IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES MENTIONED, YOUR FINANCES, KNOWLEDGE AND VARIOUS SKILLS SINCE THESE FACTORS DIFFER ACCORDING TO INDIVIDUALS, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SUCCESS OR INCOME LEVEL NOR ARE WE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ACTIONS MATERIALS IN THIS PAGE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT INCLUDES FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS THAT GIVE OUR EXPECTATIONS OR FORECASTS OF FUTURE EVENTS YOU CAN IDENTIFY THESE STATEMENTS BY THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOT RELATE STRICTLY TO HISTORICAL OR CURRENT FACTS THEY USE WORDS SUCH AS ANTICIPATE, ESTIMATE, EXPECT, PROJECT, INTEND, PLAN, BELIEVE, AND OTHER WORDS AND TERMS OF SIMILAR MEANING IN CONNECTION WITH A DESCRIPTION OF POT ENTIAL EARNINGS OR FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ANY AND ALL FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS HERE OR ON ANY OF OUR SALES MATERIAL ARE INTENDED TO EXPRESS OUR OPINION OF EARNINGS POTENTIAL MANY FACTORS WILL BE IMPORTANT IN DETERMINING YOUR ACTUAL RESULTS AND NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE RESULTS SIMILAR TO OURS OR ANYBODY ELSE S, IN FACT NO GUARANTEES ARE MADE THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE ANY RESULTS FROM OUR IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES IN OUR MATERIAL Terms of Use Your use of this educational website and video and material indicates your acceptance of these disclaimer In addition, you agree to hold harmless the publisher and instructors personally and collectively for any losses of capital, if any, that may result from the use of this website or video In other words, you must make your own decisions, be responsible for your own decisions and trade at your own risk. Why Us From the latest technology to protecting your funds, see why we re the best trading partner. Regulatory Authorisation Admiral Mar kets UK Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in UK. Contact Us Leave feedback, ask questions, drop by our office or simply call us. News Check out most recent news about our company, events, trading condtions and. very few large winners. The data that is available from Forex and CFD firms albeit just a very small slice of the vast global FX market suggests that the rarest people are very successful traders Most people stop once they start losing beyond a certain threshold, whereas the big winners keep on trading. The number of small losers slightly outweighs the number of small winners, mainly because of the effect of market spread So the percentage of successful Forex traders is not substantially smaller than unsuccessful ones There is little doubt, though, that the most successful traders are an elite few. However, by looking at a select group of famous Forex traders we can see that they have a few things in common. Discipline the ability to recognise when a trade is wrong an d therefore minimise losses. Risk control having a strong understanding of a trade s risk reward You can read more about this in our risk management guide. Courage the willingness to be different from the rest of the crowd, most of the time. Astuteness judging how perceptions are shaping market trends. The upshot of these characteristics has been consistent and large profits. The world s best Forex trader. Let s begin our review of Forex successful traders by looking at one of the industry s legendary beacons of good fortune, George Soros. Mr Soros is known as one of the greatest investors in history He sealed his reputation as a legendary money manager by reportedly profiting more than 1 billion from his short position in pound sterling He did so ahead of Black Wednesday 16 September 1992.At the time, Britain was a part of the Exchange Rate Mechanism ERM This mechanism required the government to intervene if the pound weakened beyond a certain level against the Deutsche Mark. Soros successful ly predicted that a combination of circumstances including the then high level of British interest rates and the unfavourable rate at which Britain had joined the ERM had left the Bank of England vulnerable. Britain s commitment to maintaining the pound s value against the Deutsche Mark meant intervening when the pound weakened by either buying sterling or raising interest rates or both The recession meant that higher interest rates were very painful for the rest of the economy This hindered investment when encouragement was needed instead. Economists at the Bank of England recognised that the appropriate level of interest rates were far lower than those required to prop up the pound as part of the ERM But the value of sterling was maintained because of the UK s public commitment to buying sterling. In the weeks leading up to Black Wednesday, Soros used his Quantum Fund to build a large position short of sterling But on the eve of Black Wednesday comments came from the President of the Ge rman Bundesbank These comments suggested certain currencies could come under pressure. And this led Soros to increase his position considerably. When the Bank of England began buying billions of pounds on the Wednesday morning, it found the price of the pound was little moved This was due to the flood of selling in the market from other speculators following Soros lead. A last ditch attempt to hike UK rates that had briefly hit 15 , proved futile When the UK announced its exit from the ERM and a resumption of a free-floating pound, the currency plunged 15 against the Deutsche Mark and 25 against the US dollar. As a result, the Quantum Fund made billions of dollars and Soros became known as the man who broke the Bank of England. Want to know the best part. Although Soros short position in the pound was huge, his downside was always relatively restricted Leading up to his trade, the market had shown no appetite for sterling strength This was demonstrated by the repeated need for the British go vernment to intervene in propping up the pound. Even if his trade had gone wrong and Britain had managed to stay in the ERM, the state of inertia would have more likely prevailed than a large appreciation in the pound. Here we see Soros strong appreciation of risk reward - one of the facets that helped carve his reputation as the best Forex trader in the world Rather than subscribing to the traditional economic theory that prices will eventually move to a theoretical equilibrium, Soros deems the theory of reflexivity to be more helpful in judging the financial markets. This theory suggests there is a feedback mechanism between perception and events In other words, the perceptions of market participants help to shape market prices which in turn reinforce perceptions. This was played out in his famous sterling short, where the devaluation of the pound only occurred when enough speculators believed the Bank of England could no longer defend its currency. He once told the Wall Street Journal I m only rich because I know when I m wrong The quote demonstrates both his willingness to cut a trade that is not working and the discipline shared by the most successful Forex traders. Who else counts. So George Soros is number 1 on our list as probably the best known of the world s most successful Forex traders and certainly one of the globe s highest earners from a short term trade. But who else is up there. Stanley Druckenmiller. George Soros casts a long shadow and it shouldn t come as too much of a surprise that the most successful Forex trader has ties to another of the names on our list. Stanley Druckenmiller considers George Soros his mentor In fact, Mr Druckenmiller worked alongside him at the Quantum Fund for more than a decade But Druckenmiller then established a formidable reputation in his own right, successfully managing billions of dollars for his own fund, Duquesne Capital. As well as being part of Soros famous Black Wednesday trade, Mr Druckenmiller boasted an incredible reco rd of successive years of double-digit gains with Duquesne before retiring Druckenmiller s net worth is valued at more than 2 billion. Druckenmiller says that his trading philosophy for building long-term returns revolves around preserving capital and then aggressively pursuing profits when trades are going well This approach downplays the importance of being right or wrong. Instead, it emphasises the value of maximising the opportunity when you are right and minimising the damage when you are wrong As Druckenmiller said when interviewed for the celebrated book The New Market Wizards there are a lot of shoes on the shelf wear only the ones that fit. Bill Lipschutz. Oddly enough, Bill Lipschutz made profits numbering in the hundreds of millions of dollars at the FX department of Salomon Brothers in the 1980s - despite no previous experience of the currency markets. Often called the Sultan of Currencies, Mr Lipschutz describes FX as a very psychological market And like our other successful Fo rex traders, the Sultan believes market perceptions help determine price action as much as pure fundamentals. Lipschutz also agrees with Stanley Druckenmiller s view that how to be a successful trader in Forex, is not dependant on being right more often that you are wrong Instead, he stresses that you need to work out how to make money when being right only 20 to 30 per cent of the time. Here s some of Lipschutz s other key tenets. Any trading idea needs to be well reasoned before you place the trade. Build a position as the market goes your way and exit the same way Then start to ease up once there are signs that the fundamentals and the price action are beginning to change. There is a need to be aware of the market s focus FX is a 24-hour market and doesn t stop moving when you go to bed. Lipschutz also stresses the need to manage risk, saying that your trading size should be chosen to avoid being forced out of your position if your timing is inexact. How successful is a successful Forex tr ader. We ve looked at the biggest Forex successful traders, but there is an army of profitable traders out there Joining the list of people who are able to consistently turn a profit each month trading FX, is an achievable goal. So, what s the bottom line. Well, even the most successful trader had to begin somewhere and if you can regularly generate profits - you can consider yourself a successful Forex trader. Hopefully this article has given you some insights into traits shared by the most successful Forex traders Now maybe you should try to top the Forex trader s list yourself, by participating in our ForexBall demo contest. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Risk warning Trading foreign exchange or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment Therefore, you should not invest or risk money that you c annot afford to lose You should ensure you understand all of the risks Before using Admiral Markets UK Ltd services please acknowledge the risks associated with trading. The content of this Website must not be construed as personal advice Admiral Markets UK Ltd recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is fully owned by Admiral Markets Group AS Admiral Markets Group AS is a holding company and its assets are a controlling equity interest in Admiral Markets AS and its subsidiaries, Admiral Markets UK Ltd and Admiral Markets Pty. 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